Brand Name : CROW COUGH


Packing : 100 ml

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Crow Cough Syrup The Ayurvedic cough medicine known as Crow cough syrup is completely made from natural ingredients and is used to cure dry and ineffective cough. To prepare for the upcoming flu season, stock up on Crow Cough, an Ayurvedic remedy for coughs and colds. Crow Cough Syrup, an Ayurvedic cough syrup with anti-inflammatory properties, is one of the safest Ayurvedic remedies for cough and other respiratory problems like colds.

It is effective for both acute and chronic Ayurveda treatment for dry cough. It helps people with a sore throat and flu-like symptoms apart from being a trusted Ayurvedic cough syrup for dry cough. You can get relief from many symptoms of allergies that result in any kind of respiratory discomfort by using this Ayurvedic sore throat treatment.

Ingredients of Crow Cough Syrup

Haldi - Turmeric is helpful in soothing a sore throat and controlling cough.

Pushkarmool -Pushkarmool relieves stress and also has anti-allergic properties. Pushkarmool is the herb of choice for all types of respiratory problems.

Kakkar Shringi - Karkatshringi helps manage cough by removing excess mucus from the respiratory tract due to its expectorant property.

Giloy -Giloy helps in controlling colds and coughs caused by allergies caused by pollution, smoke or pollen. It also helps in managing colds and tonsillitis.

Trikatu -Trikatu provides a one-shot herbal remedy for all types of cough. The active constituents in this herbal mixture provide relief from respiratory disorders like asthma, cough, and cold symptoms.

Nagkesar - Nagkesar is beneficial in relieving cold and cough as it expels excess mucus from the lungs. It also provides relief from some symptoms of asthma.

Tejpattar - Bay leaf is an effective herb for the management of the common cold. It controls cough, expels mucus, and clears the airways, thereby helping the patient to breathe freely.

Benefits of Crow Cough Syrup

  • Crow Cough Due to the high antioxidant content, even children can use this Ayurvedic cough medicine.
  • The powerful herbs used in the formulation of Ayurvedic medicine for dry cough and sore throat make it effective in clearing the airways so that you can breathe more easily and feel better.
  • Crow Cough Syrup is a great all-natural option if you're looking for Ayurvedic cough remedies.
  • It helps in relieving various irritations associated with cough and cold, hence it is often referred to as the best Ayurvedic medicine.